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UDC 52.578.061.32:551.734.5(470.1)552

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M. Yu. Zubkov

West Siberian Geological Center, Tyumen, Russia

The paper considers an elemental and material composition, as well as the origin of thin (2–8 mm) interlayers luminescent in ultraviolet light, which are part of domanic deposits. Sharp differences in their elemental and lithological composition from that of domanic deposits have been revealed. It is established that the luminescence of these interlayers is caused by illite, the interlayer space of which is assumed to have naphthide molecules. The formation of these interlayers is associated with an underwater hydrothermal activity, and genesis of organomineral compounds based on illite is explained by the effect of high-enthalpy hydrothermal fluids on organic matter that is a part of domanic deposits.

Keywords: domanic deposits, luminescent interlayers, naphthides, hydrothermal fluids.

DOI 10.20403/2078-0575-2024-2-72-85


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